About Diana
My name is Diana Cindea. I was born in Romania, as a teenager my family and I moved to Spain. I consider myself a cheerful, friendly, honest, loyal and talkative person. I like to spend my free time with my family and friends. Whenever I can I travel to some place I’ve never been before. A new custom acquired for some years now is to spend New Years Eve in a different country every year.

“Travel and change of place impart new vigor to the mind.”
Our employee Diana Cindea took the chance to work as a global expert in different plants of the SaarGummi Group. She started to work for SG Iberica in 2008 as an operator in finishing department, then absolved a training as a mold operator and continued in the finishing department.
After gaining work experiences in SaarGummi Ibérica for several years she became a global expert for SaarGummi.
„I always thought that I would love to do it one day. But I knew that to become an global expert, experience is needed.“
SaarGummi has plants all around the world. As a global expert you travel around the world to different SaarGummi plants to give support and share knowledge inside the SaarGummi Group. To improve the skills of our employees and transfer corporate knowledge it is important to build up relations and work together.

The success of our company depends upon the most basic aspect – knowledge sharing among employees. For us, a successful knowledge sharing culture at SaarGummi is key to develop innovations and think beyond existing ideas.
When going to work abroad, there are always great things to learn and experience. SaarGummi offers the chance for every employee to become a global expert. To become a global expert, you are either submitted or you can apply for it.
There are several entry points in becoming a global expert. The basic requirements are to speak English at a professional level and to have 5 years of industry knowledge. Based on the employee’s experience, a specialization is required, for example in Finishing, Extrusion or any other area.
„The years pass by and then suddenly one day in October 2015 my boss, the head of finishing, came and ask me if I want to go to China for 3 weeks to support our plant there. I was exited and shocked at the same time because they chose me. But my answer was immediately: „Yes!“
…read the whole story here:
„So in November 2015 I made my first trip to SG plant in Yingkou, China. And after that a 2nd and 3th trip came along: USA and Mexico. At the End of 2017 the Group offered me to stay a long period in SG Tennessee and I accepted.
All the experience and training I received in SG Ibéria helped me to grow and be able to give support in finishing department of the SaarGummi Group by training employees all over the world.
Of course is not easy being away from home from our comfort place, family, food, friends. I’m not gonna tell you every day is gonna be a good day, but that happens no matter where you are.

That is how life goes, there are up’s and down’s… But I don’t regret my decision and if I have to take that decision again my answer will be YES again and again.
This experience helped me to grow professionally and personally. It has made me more responsible and ambitious. It has allowed me to value things more, to see the world and learn about other cultures and made some dreams come true.
I encourage everyone that SG Group gives this opportunity to live this experience to say YES, it will enrich you in a professional and personal way.
What experience during your trips abroad brings you the most added value in your daily work?
I´ve learned and improved my training skills by getting out of my comfort zone and manage to handle adversitiesWhat did you learn about intercultural communication?
I learned not to give up, because at first it was difficult for us to express our thoughts and train our new coworkers. It was gratifying for us to see our daily growth on building new relationships with people from another cultures.Is there a learning that accompanies you every day since your experience abroad?
I learned new production tools that helped me improve my analytical skills and practice problems solving issues on a daily basis.What requirements do you have to fulfill in order to become a global expert at SaarGummi?
Especially work experience to develop in that particular trip, to be able to communicate in more than one language is also a key point and then all the knowledge and diversity acquired in multiple trips.Why did you decide to work for SaarGummi in 2008?
I decided to work for SaarGummi because it was a challenge for me to work for a big multinational corporation and become a part of an experienced team and learn new solid skills that will help me grow in my professional career.What advice do you have for new apprentices?
My personal advice for all those who want to join this big rubber family is to not hesitate, as they will grow in a personal and professional way. By being flexible, motivated, willing to learn and being creative, they can build a career within SaarGummi Group.