Dual studies

Combine your studies with practical experience for regular pay!
In cooperation with the “Berufsakademie Saarland", we can offer various dual degree courses


Our dual studys 2025 

Practice and theory

Graduating and gaining practical experience at one and the same time? No problem! Berufsakademie courses link the practice with scientific principles. Students are provided with in-depth specialist knowledge, and instructions for its practical application. This is to help them solve operational issues methodically safe, with the gained experience providing a good basis for their future.

Various specializations

At the SaarGummi Group, you can earn B.A. degrees in economics with various specializations, B.A. degrees in business informatics, or a B.A. degree in either mechanical or industrial engineering.
For more information on course contents, please visit the website of the "ASW Berufsakademie Saarland e.V. Neunkirchen":



Dual courses

Bachelor of Engineering

Industrial Engineering
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Bachelor of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering
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Bachelor of Arts - Business Administration

Industry and Accounting & Taxation
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Bachelor of Arts

Business Informatics
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How does the application process work?

Correct application